Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cooking food that tastes good? I'm Impressed with myself.

I went to bed relatively early Saturday night in hopes of being up bright and early in the morning for my trip to Tarragona, Spain. I set my alarm for 8am, and just like my usual self, overslept for an hour and 15 minutes! This of course led to me getting ready in a scramble and me and a friend making a pretty noticeable running entrance to where the buses were departing. Nevertheless, I made it to the buses with 3 minutes to spare, and alas was on the way to my first trip outside of Barcelona. We went on a tour of the city and got to see some awesome roman ruins. After our tour we had free time to roam around the city and get lunch. This is where I realized that Tarragona has the most interesting outside markets I have ever seen. Let's just say, barbie dolls, a ferbie, a wooden foot, and a real live goat were involved. All in all, Tarragona is a beautiful city and I had a really great time.

Me with ancient Roman ruins in Tarragona!

On my way to being a five star chef
But alright, back in Barcelona I had class again on Monday morning, and a cook and taste class monday night where we cooked a 3 course Spanish meal with a professional chef! I helped make a spanish omelet which is made from eggs and potatoes, and I must say, it was delicious! We also had chicken paella, this tomato soup stuff, and a gelato type dessert.

And as for other exciting news, Lily got here today! After wandering around the main street in Barcelona for 1.5 hours I finally found her, my fault for telling her to meet me on one of the busiest streets in Barcelona.  It was quiet an adventure but luckily I found the right metro stop eventually. I'm not sure what my plans are for the rest of the week but soon I'll be planning my first trip outside of the country!

Well that's all that's new for now, adios amigos, its siesta time!

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